Friday, February 18, 2011

Women: the most recent target of the attack on peoples' rights in the US.

This blog has always argued that we live in a period when the dominant feature was the offensive of capitalism against the working class. We see this in Wisconsin in the last days. But it is not only on the bread and butter directly worker issues that we see this offensive. We also see it in the attacks on the rights of all specially oppressed peoples in society.

The Republicans who are now a majority in the US Congress are also stepping up their attacks on women in general. In the house of representatives they have just passed a bill to cut the funding to Planned Parenthood. Women have been accessing Planned Parenthood for decades to receive help with their health. Now the Republicans, and let us be clear US capitalism and sneaking along behind come the mealy mouthed Democrats, all are increasing attacks on women.

Let us be clear. The fight back will come on this issue as on all others. A few days ago hundreds of thousands of women in Italy and other countries marched against the degenerate Berlusconi the premier of Italy and also against the way women in general are treated in Italy and in other countries. Along with this we see the great leading role women have been playing in the revolutionary movement in the Middle East and North Africa.

For a united working class movement to fight for the rights of all working people.


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