Sunday, February 27, 2011

US helped train Qaddafi's forces.

Our blog condemns the hypocrisy of US imperialism in relation to Libya and the Middle East. We must have no trust in imperialism helping the revolution in Libya. We must help mobilize the working class in the surrounding countries and internationally to strengthen the Libyan masses on the front line to take on and bring down the regime.The US military has been training Qaddafi's murderous security forces and they don't pass out this help unless the country that receives it supports the US goals. Libya's forces have been trained at the torture center the School of the Americas.
The US government trained military personnel, as well as a civilians, in a wide range of topics, from counter-intelligence to helicopter repair to the administration of military justice. The funds came from the foreign appropriations process, and is overseen by the State Department, but it is implemented by the Defense Department.
So in the name of us the US population and from US workers taxes this murderous thug has been trained and kept in power. US workers must build their own political party and take control of US home and foreign policy.

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