Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Revolutionary movements sweep across the world. Crisis of leadership.

I would like to repeat again a point I made on this blog a few days ago. The movements in the Middle East and North Africa and now Italy and other countries show beyond doubt that the working class and middle class will fight to improve their lives and bring down rotten regimes. This is irrefutable. The many people who argue that this is not the case and justify their own inactivity by this argument have no longer a leg to stand on. It is not worth debating them any more. If they cannot see this now they will never see it.

What is the question that is posed now more sharply than ever is the issue of a strategy and tactics and program for these movements. Leon Trotsky said that the crisis of the human species is the crisis of the working class leadership. This is the essential truth today. These great mass movements need a current of leadership within them to help pull them together and develop direction and a program and strategy and tactics to end capitalism and establish socialism worldwide. These movements will not go on at full blast for ever. They will ebb and flow. New movements will develop to replace these. The conclusion that has to be drawn is that all movements need a current within them comprising a conscious leadership and that the basis of this has to built in advance.

So full support for the great movements that are taking place. Every effort to develop and build conscious and democratic currents of socialist leaderships within them that have a program and strategy and tactics to end capitalism and at the same time lay down the foundations for such a revolutionary leadership worldwide. The movements we see today will be repeated and we want more conscious and democratic currents of socialist leaderships to exist when they do.

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