Sunday, February 20, 2011

Many dead in Libya, largest tribe joins opposition. Is Gadaffi one the way out? Let's hope so and on to Saudi Arabia.

Al Jazeera and independent bloggers are reporting that the uprising against Gaddafi's regime iof 41 years in Libya is gaining momentum.  There have been many dead as troops have fired on mourners and mercenaries have been sniping from rooftops.

According to reports, protesters have seized weapons and army vehicles in Benghazi and a section of the military has joined the,  Also, the largest tribe in Libya has joined the opposition and a group of Muslim clerics has called on the military to cease killing protesters issuing the following declaration:
"This is an urgent appeal from religious scholars, intellectuals, and clan elders from Tripoli, Bani Walid, Zintan, Jadu, Msalata, Misrata, Zawiah, and other towns and villages of the western area," the appeal, signed by the group of leaders, stated.

"We appeal to every Muslim, within the regime or assisting it in any way, to recognise that the killing of innocent human beings is forbidden by our Creator and by His beloved prophet of compassion, peace be upon him ... Do not kill your brothers and sisters. Stop the massacre now!"

The BBC reports that fighting has spread to the capital and that authorities have used live ammunition and tear gas in response. "We are in Tripoli, there are chants [directed at Gaddafi]: 'Where are you? Where are you? Come out if you're a man," a protester told Al Jazeera.

Here is a link to an Arabic language report.  I actually have no idea what it says. There are unconfirmed reports also that Libya's second in command has fled the country.  Some bloggers are saying that Gadaffi has left already although n one of this is confirmed as far as I can see.  But it does appear that he may be on his way out and this would be a tremendous event after 41 years of this madman.  The situation for the Saudi's is looking shakier. if they were to go it would be incredible; lets hope the incredible happens.

Solidarity with the Arab and Iranian people
Victory to the Arab masses in their struggle for democratic rights

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