The thug criminals of the Saudi regime and close friends of the Bush family. They are sending members of their army into Bahrain to help those 200 year old criminal rulers to put down the Bahrain people who are demanding their rights.
The regime in Bahrain has been in power for 200 years. Unbelievable. They have only been able to hold on because they have been supported by the major powers in the west such as the US and Britain. They have received this support because these major powers want this country's oil and resource wealth. In this particular situation there are now reports that the friends of the Bush family, that is the Saudi ruling thugs, are involved helping the Bahrain dictatorship to hold on to power and put down the movement on the streets. One medical worker said an officer from the Saudi military was in Bahrain and grabbed him and held a gun to his head and ordered him not to help a protester who was wounded. The Saudi dictatorship are close friends of the Bush family. A bunch of criminal thugs one and all. And while they make speeches in favor of democracy US capitalism has and still do support the right wing military dominated regimes which they think can protect their wealth and power.
The protests are spreading throughout the Middle East. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Bahrain, what a great movement is taking place. When we look at the Middle East we have to see the big picture. The major capitalist powers have been historically completely opposed to the Arab countries with their huge natural wealth and their strategic position, the Suez Canal for example, coming together as one country. They know this would mean a huge rival to them not only in the region but world wide. So over the centuries the major capitalist powers have divided and carved up the Middle East. They have used the slaughter, murder and bribery to achieve their means. The majority of people in the Middle East are Arabic and speak one language. But the major capitalist powers carved them up into a a whole number of countries. They also stirred up divisions between the different branches of Islam. Divide and rule, the old weapon of the ruling classes.
There is a rule in relation to divisions. When the movement is thrown back, when it cannot find a way forward, then the divisions amongst the working class and masses increase. But when the movement goes forward in struggle then the divisions are pushed more into the background and the unity of the working class becomes stronger. This is what is happening at the moment. Unity is strengthening.
Capitalism in the major countries are in quandary. Especially US capitalism. Washington has supported every right wing dictatorial thug regime in the region for decades and in some cases centuries. They have done so to make sure the masses did not get their hands on the wealth of the region, they have done so to make sure the wealth was kept in the hands of the ruling classes, that is themselves. Millions of working class people in the Middle East are now challenging this system. They must get the full support of all of us.
And now we see tens of thousands of American workers marching to defend their living standards and rights in Wisconsin in the US. Banners and slogans shouted link Egypt and Wisconsin. The Middle East movement is spreading to the US. This is a brilliant development. It will be interesting to see what US capitalism will say about mass rallies in the US. Obama and most US politicians after decades of supporting the right wing dictatorial regimes are now pretending to support the movements in the Middle East. It will be harder for them to pretend to support the movement here in the US when it comes. It will be put up or shut up time.
Full support for the movements in the Middle East and in Wisconsin.
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