Free Bradley Manning. Defend Wikileaks. Defend Assange.
I was down in my usual coffee shop this morning. It was warm and comfortable. The hot drinks were good. The newspapers I always read were there. They were playing Billy Holliday. My regular coffee drinking associates were there too. It was a nice morning.
Then I started to use my imagination and think about Bradley Manning. What was Bradley doing at this time? He is in solitary confinement, that is in a small cell with no coffee, no newspapers, no Billy Holliday, no friends. He is being squeezed to try and break him and get him to give evidence against Assange and wikileaks. There are lights on in his cell 24 hours a day. He can only get out one hour a day. He can only talk to other prisoners by shouting to them. He cannot see them. He faces a possible 50 years in prison.
Bradley's friend, the only one who can visit him, says he notices a "remarkable decline in his psychological state and his physical well being." He said Bradley was "very weak from a lack of exercise." and that "psychologically, he has difficulty keeping up with some conversational topics." The US government is torturing Bradley. How else can you describe being kept isolated in a small cell for 23 hours of every day.
In the next few weeks there are over one hundred demonstrations to free Bradley around the world. We must attend and build for these. If there are none in your area build one of your own and build a free Bradley Manning/ For the right to know Committee in your area.
The material that wikileaks has been making available has already had significant affects. The New York Times speaks of how it has allowed the Tunisian workers and youth to see the extreme wealth and corruption of the Tunisian ruling class and how this has been one factor in mobilizing the Tunisian masses in the uprising of the past few days. It is as we have said, the wikileaks information shows how capitalism is rotten and corrupt and in so doing strengthens the working class and weakens the capitalist class and all their corrupt allies.
Free Bradley Manning. Defend wikileaks. Defend Assange.
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