Sunday, December 26, 2010

Different holidays for different people. Free Bradley Manning.

Release Bradley Manning. Do not let them keep him in prison in solitary confinement. Build Free Bradley Manning Committees Now.

How was your holiday? Mine was good. I had plenty of good food and companionship with my family. It was very nice. Round the world of course it is not the same. Billions were starving over the holidays and are still starving with no prospect of anything else. For these people if they have access to the capitalist mass media with its non stop ads then the holiday is a very sick and cruel joke.

But I want to focus on the holiday of one person in this post. Bradley Manning. This is the young man who is accused of being the source of the material that is being published by wikileaks. This young man spent the holidays in solitary confinement. This means in a small cell with no visits from his family or friends. The US corporate government is trying to break and censor Bradley. For what? For letting us see what is being done and said in our names. If he has made this information available then he is a hero.

This young man must not be left to rot in a prison cell. The power of the movement can force his captors to release him. Every group of Anonymous sisters and brothers and other activists should pick a workplace, a community, a neighborhood, a school or college and flyer it and from this set up Free Bradley Manning/Defend Wikileaks committees. These should then be linked to end the wars and occupations committees and all should be linked together in a net work to defend wikileaks, defend Assange and Manning, open all books and publish all documents. Working people have a better capacity to judge world affairs than the corporate thugs and their lobbyists in Congress.

I was wondering about another man and where he spent the holiday. Cheyney. He is a war criminal and on top of this he was responsible for leaking the names of his own CIA agents. I bet he was not in solitary confinement over the holidays. No he and his fellow war criminals like Kissinger and Obama and Clinton were all having their breakfasts in fancy hotels or being waited on by servants in their luxury homes.


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