Thursday, November 4, 2010

US Elections. Not a shift to the right.

The increased antagonisms in US society will now be shifted more to washington.

In yesterday's blog we showed the majorities against the attacks on working class peoples entitlements and standards. These confirmed what we say. There has not been a shift to the right in US society.

There were two decisive processes at work in this weeks elections. One was that since coming into office the Obama regime has carried out right wing pro big business, pro corporate policies, bailing out the rich etc. These policies have meant that mass unemployment and poverty have continued and increased and at the same time the rich have been getting richer and the poor getting poorer. As a result large numbers of working class people have been alienated from the Obama regime and the Democrats. The swing against Obama and the Democrats was overwhelmingly a swing against these right wing policies.

As this reaction developed it sought an alternative. But that was the problem. There was none. The union leaders who should have used their resources to build a working peoples party and created this alternative continued to support the Democrats so working class people could see no alternative. The result was many people voted for the Republicans to express their anger. The Republicans and Democrats who now share power in Washington will have to deal with the anger that exists and the opposition to further cuts in their living standards. US politics are in for a stormy period. And in this the crisis of US capitalist politics will be made worse.

It is interesting to see what happened in relation to Democratic Party losses. The liberal wing of the Democrats lost practically no seats while the conservative wing of the Democrats were cut by half. Again an indication there has not been a shift to the right in society.


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