Saturday, November 13, 2010

War Criminal Bush. His Book: "Decision Points." US Censorship. War. Haiti.

War Criminal Bush: Draft dodger at the time of the Vietnam War. Liar to start the present wars in the Middle East. War Criminal in his pursuit of these wars. Author of recent auto biography Decision Points. The Wall Street Journal the mouthpiece of US capitalism collaborates with Bush in censoring his life and his work. They allow him to review his own book in their November 13/14 issues. No critical review for their friend. In his own review he is allowed to avoid any mention of these two wars or his draft dodging at the time of Vietnam. For more censorship see our comments on the Wall Street Journal and Haiti also below.

We have explained in this blog how the US is an extremely censored society. I read two articles in the Wall Street Journal today and yesterday which confirm our position. One is on Haiti. In a full page article the Journal discussed the cholera and earthquake catastrophes in this country this year. This article also discussed the extreme corruption and inequality of Haitian capitalist society. But and here is where the censorship comes in.

They managed to do all this without a single mention of the Aristide government of some time ago which had tried to do something to improve Haitian society for the poor masses and which because of this was overthrown by the US government. Yes the US, the so called land of the free press and freedom is an extremely censored society when it comes to talking about important issues such as how it overthrows governments which try and improve the lives of their own peoples. This article censored out the US role in keeping Haiti in a state of abject poverty, corruption and inequality and its role in overthrowing a government there that was trying to do something about these evils.

The other example of censorship is the coverage this paper gives in this weekend edition to George W. Bush's book: "Decision Points." To make absolutely sure there would be no problem the paper let Bush himself review his own book. Incredible. What about a critical review? No. Not a chance. After all this is the most important paper of US capitalism and Bush was their most mouthpiece for eight years.

Bush's review takes up close to half a page. Now this is the President who lied to take the country into two wars both of which are still going on. Hundreds of thousands have died on all sides. There is no end in sight. These wars are being fought to consolidate and increase the power of US capitalism in the region. This is also the President who has taken the country into debt such has never been seen before. Yet in an absolutely staggering example of censorship there is not a single mention of either of these two wars nor of the bankruptcy of the country. Censorship rules okay in the USA.

But it is not only that. Bush was a young man during the Vietnam war. He was the age for the draft. So was Cheyney his vice President. Neither of the two of them fought in the Vietnam war. Cheyney when asked why arrogantly dismissed the question by saying he had other priorities. But do you think this is mentioned in this review of Bush's book? No! Not a chance. The review leaves this out. And the Wall Street Journal lets him do this. Collaborates with him in doing this. More censorship.

I am reminded of the article by a journalist who was sent to interview the mother of a young man from a poor family from Indiana who was sent to fight in Vietnam. He did not have Bush's connections you see, so he had to go. He was later tried for war crimes and the journalist was there to talk to his mother about this. I broke down in tears when I heard the journalist report what happened.

He went to the family home, a broken down house in a poor working class neighborhood in Indiana. His mother came to the door and when she heard who he was and what it was about she said: "I sent them a good boy and they sent me back a murderer."

It would break any decent person's heart. But not the hearts of the Bushes and their class. For them it is only right, the working class and the poor are meant to suffer and fight the wars, they on the other hand are meant to rule and to live in luxury and be protected in every way, by their state, their press, their politicians, their media, by their fancy universities. It is things like this that make me hate the Bushes of this world with an unconditional hatred and makes me hate the rich politicians and elites like the Bushes and the censoring mass media which supports this system and make up its ruling class.


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