Monday, November 1, 2010

Don't do other peoples jobs. And Elections again.

Union workers on the march. We have the power to organize the unorganized and to transform US politics. Build a mass working peoples party.

You know the racket that you see in so many fast food joints, especially the trendy ones. You are are expected to clear up the dishes from your own table and made to feel guilty if you do not. This making you work for free is even made out to be the thing to do, fashionable, trendy, responsible, helping out the workers. It is none of the kind. It is taking other peoples' jobs. Keeping people unemployed. The bosses are now extending this into other areas. Into offices. 20,000 state workers in Texas now have an extra chore every day. They have to empty their own trash cans. Now at first glance this may seem not too bad, even responsible. The bosses say it helps because workers who empty their own trash will separate the recycled items better. I do not see how this would happen. it is just a bit of bosses propaganda.

Look at the real reason and real result. Take for example Brewer Science Inc. a Rolla. Mo. based company with 17 worldwide locations. This company introduced this program in 2003. The result: its janitorial staff is now one quarter of what it was then. So three quarters of its janitors were fired. The other workers are doing the fired janitors work for free, the company increased its profits and the fired janitors lives have been hurled into crisis. How many of these fired janitors have had their homes foreclosed on because of this? Be careful whose jobs you are taking. As we wrote on a previous blog: Do not clean up your tables in fast food joints because you are only doing somebody out of a job. Do not empty trash which was being emptied by workers who were being paid to do this work. Do not do other peoples work.

To the elections again. The leader of the Senate is the Democrat Harry Reid from Nevada. He is being given a run for it by the Tea Party ignoramus Sharron Angle. It is interesting to see what is happening in this campaign as it shows an aspect of how capitalism sees US politics and confirms our position that the Democrats are a capitalist Party.

Most republican lobbyists are not going to Nevada to help the republican candidate Angle. The Wall Street Journal explains why: "Most of corporate America has made a tremendous investment in Harry Reid over the years. That is one reason why there aren't any lobbyists in Nevada helping his opponent. The US Chamber of Commerce has a better relationship with Mr. Reid than with any of the two Democrats in line to replace him as majority leader" (if he lost his seat.) So Reid is an "Investment" of corporate America. Let us say it the way it is. He is a direct representative of the US corporations and their capitalist system and he has received so much money and goodies from them over the years that they are more confident that he will represent them than anybody else. They are confident he is their man. No wonder there is anger against the two established capitalist Parties and crazed candidates and groups can rise up.

Thinks about another aspect of this. While Reid is the corporation's, that is capitalism's, top choice, at the same time the Unions are pulling out all the stops to get him elected. Remember this is the man in whom the corporations has made their huge investment and whom corporate America, that is US capitalism, wants elected again to be head of the senate. The Teachers union, the culinary workers union, the public sector union, they are all sending their members in large numbers to Nevada to help Reid, even getting their members to take time off work to help Reid, sending millions of their members dollars to help Reid. To help the man in whom "corporate America has made a tremendous investment over the years." To help the man whom corporate America wants elected over his Republican challenger and whom it prefers to lead the Senate rather than the other possible Democratic Party Senate leader New York Senator Schumer who is geographically and politically a puppet of Wall Street. That is something. they would rather have, Reid than a Wall Street man.

As we say, the union leaders role in this election is one of betrayal of their members. They have forfeited their right to lead. We need a working peoples party.

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