Wednesday, November 10, 2010

F... the stiff upper lip. 40,000 students on the attack in london.

The British Tory government, tory comes from an Irish word for robber, very appropriate for this party of British capitalism, have announced an increase in university fees from an annual 5,000 pounds to 15,000 pounds. This staggering increase, this staggering attack on students and education, would mean the expulsion of the majority of working class students from the British universities. I am so excited to see that the students are not responding with the "stiff upper lip." This was always fallacy anyway, an image that the British capitalists wanted to portray for themselves and also to con the workers into being passive. An estimated 40,000 students are now attacking the tory party HQ in london and holding the streets in the surrounding neighborhood. We must send them our full support and solidarity. They are rejecting the stiff upper lip.


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