Thursday, September 23, 2010

The World Turner Upside Down, Pakistani Woman Gets 86 Years in US Court

A Judge in New York City sentenced a Pakistani woman to 86 years in prison today. She was on the FBI’s list of most wanted terrorists although she was not charged with terrorism. She was charged instead with attempted murder. she shot at US soldiers and FBI agents in Afghanistan.

The US ruling class has gone completely mad. When someone invades your country isn’t it quite common to shoot at them? Wouldn’t we do it? But that’s not the all of it. The woman, Aafia Siddiqui, claims she was abducted by the US and kept in a secret prison for the last five years. She tried to escape in 2008 and shot at her captors. No one was wounded except her; she was shot in the abdomen.

The FBI has accused her of supporting al Qaida and says that when she was arrested in Afghanistan four years ago she had instructions about bomb making on her and a list of NYC landmarks. Her prosecutors ask for the sentence on the grounds that she was an al Qaida support and a danger to the US and the judge agreed according to reports in the Guardian UK.

Apparently, the woman vilified the US and Israel in the courtroom, which is not such an absurd thing, especially from a Muslim or any Middle Eastern person given the role the US and its proxy play there.

I have no idea what she is except that she fired at invading forces in her country. I know that the US offered some of these tribal warlords, come opium farmers with 7th century mentalities $100 a head for al Qaida members when they invaded and sure enough, they went out and found some. I also know the US kidnaps people from the streets of foreign countries and keeps them in secret prisons around the world. I have no idea whether the guys in Guantanamo are bad guys or not, I do know that the US government lied about Pat Tillman telling the world and his parents he was killed in some glorious gun battle but was instead killed by his own men. I also know that the whole Jessica Lynch story was a photo op.

I do not trust for one minute the US government’s reporting on events or their friends in the Pakistani secret service (ISI) their allies like the murderer Blair in Britain or any other flunkies and hangers on.

The imprisonment of this woman will increase hatred of the US and ordinary Americans will be less safe. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, some really nasty killers, will be well protected at taxpayers expense no doubt.

Can we really trust these people?
No matter which way I look at this, terrorist or not, I cannot see the justification for the inhumane treatment of this woman or whoever they have at Guantanamo, which by the way is in Cuba and we should think about how come the US has a base there and the role the US has played in central and Latin America over the last 100 years.

To get some idea of who they’ve had at Guantanamo I strongly recommend the move, The Road to Guantanamo.

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