Wednesday, September 22, 2010

White House Regime, a bunch of capitalist swindlers.

I see that Larry Summers is bailing out of the White House. Summers was a protege of the mass murderer and war criminal Kissinger. By their company you know them. In previous White Houses he advocated cutting taxes on the corporations and the rich and the deregulation of the financial system. These were major reasons the world economy plunged into the catastrophe of 2008 in which hundreds of millions more world wide were thrown into poverty. Thanks Summers. You are a mass murderer too. This arrogant privileged mouthpiece of capitalism also advocates that unemployment pay and welfare should be reduced. As my friend back home used to say how come these big shots who have money believe that to make the rich produce more they have to be paid more but to make the working class and poor produce more they have to be paid less.

Summers was kicked out of his teaching post in Harvard. One of the reasons was that he said that women were not mentally equipped to understand the hard sciences. What a dirty ignorant sexist. Ignorant because anybody who did any serious study of history knows the contribution that women made to the hard sciences, in fact all the sciences, in spite of the vicious discrimination they had to face. Another reason he was kicked out of Harvard was that there was talk of financial misdeeds. What a piece of dirt.

But a question is posed by Summers leaving the White House. It is this. How was he ever there in the first place. How did this Obama who claimed he was for change and breaking with the old ways appoint this crooked, ignorant, sexist capitalist agent? The answer is not hard to find. Obama was worried that his own pro capitalist credentials were not good enough. So not only with Summers but with all the other members of his regime he was making sure that he would be trusted by the top forces within capitalism. And then he proceeded to take their orders. Bailing out Wall Street and the Banks and the auto industry, passing the the pro corporate sickness deal, carrying on their wars and occupations abroad, backing up BP when it destroyed the Gulf, and on and on. Down on the knee to capitalism egged on by the Summers and the like around him, this is where Obama stands. As many of us said in advance Obama is a slick bourgeois politician totally subservient to the capitalist class.

But this is increasingly getting him into trouble. He is coming under fire for his unquestioning support of capitalism and his refusal to do anything for working class people. Earlier this week his regime organized a so called town hall meeting. The audience was naturally carefully selected. But in a sign of the way things are going even with this carefully selected audience he was not able to avoid severe criticism. A middle aged African American woman stood up and in the most sharp tone told him off. She said:"I worked until I was exhausted to get you elected. But now I am exhausted again. This time I am exhausted defending you and your policies." Obama was unable to give any affective answer. Just tried to get past it with a pathetic grin and a few meaningless words. There was nothing he could say. The woman was right. He was carrying out the wishes of capitalism and ignoring the needs of the working class. This was why she could not defend his policies.

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