Saturday, September 25, 2010

USA. The censored society. No alternative allowed to be discussed.

I was coming from the hospital yesterday. Two ladies approached me and asked me was I registered to vote. I said no. Are you a Democrat or a Republican they wanted to know. Neither I said I am a socialist. Ah they exclaimed you are an Independent. No I answered I am a socialist. Yes an independent they again replied. No I responded again I am not an independent I am a socialist. I gave up and walked on. But it made me think. These ladies looking to register voters would not allow me to describe myself as a socialist. You either had to be a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent which of course is related to being a Republican or a Democrat. If you are independent you have to be independent of something and in the US this means independent of the Republicans or the Democrats. Once again the US working class are allowed no alternative to capitalism and its parties. No force is working for the building of a mass working peoples party.

Later in the day I was watching the TV show of Bill Maher. He is the guy who makes criticisms of day to day events from a liberal viewpoint and claims to be some sort of atheist. He has a mixture of liberals and right wingers on his talk show and tries to get them to debate. His show, like all on the US mass media, is also carefully censored. He never puts forward any alternative to the existing capitalist forces in society. A mass workers party? Never mentioned. He would be thrown off the air if he began to be serious in opposing capitalism and argue for the building of a mass workers party, that is an alternative way to struggle for the working class. Michael Moore is the same. No alternative for the working class. He too never mentions the need for the working class to have its own party.

Maher had on the extreme right winger last night who doctored the speech of the civil rights leader Sherrod to make her look to be attacking white people. He did not even ask this piece of scum about this. He most probably made the deal in advance that if he came on the show he would not ask him about this.

The main problem in US society is that the working class do not have a mass political alternative through which to fight. That is a mass working peoples party. The main reason they do not is because the union leaders will not build one and the secondary reason is that the left and radical movement are not able to overcome their left sectarianism, ultra leftism and opportunism.

1 comment:

gary said...

when i see a million people in France demonstrating over raising the retirement age to 62 and i say to myself, why not in America?

why why why?

i don't get it, are we all sheep, so hopelessly brainwashed?