Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fired after thirty years. Taken back with a 40% wage cut and no health benefits.

Wall Street. The center of the capitalist criminals and crooks which brought the US and world economy into collapse and threw hundreds of millions more people into starvation. A sane society would put a high fence round it and hold them all in isolation for the rest of their lives.

I hope I live long enough to see the scum of the ruling class that run this country dealt with in the way they deserve.

My companion's best friend is in her fifties. She worked for the same major corporation for over thirty years. Last month they called her in and fired her. She was devastated. Her husband is not working. Her daughter's marriage had broken up and she and her husband had just put the down payment on a small condo for her and her young son. My companion's world was in pieces.

Then last week the corporation called her in again. And they rehired her. But they rehired her at 40% less wages and no health benefits. It was just a vicious tactic to get her to accept this drastic cut in her living standards. For a couple of weeks she thought she had no job, no wages, no benefits. She was terrified. Then they "offered" her a job again, but at 40% less wages and with no benefits. The idea was that after terrorizing her she would see this as better than nothing. She is back at work again on the corporations new terms.

This is pure unadulterated corporate terrorism, capitalist terrorism. This corporation threatened this poor woman with destitution and terrorized her into accepting a savage reduction in her living standard. The money they saved they put in their pockets and arrogantly laughed all the way to the bank. Capitalism is a system based on terror.

The union leaders!!!!! Capitalism has its so called war on terror. Capitalism's war on terror is a war to dominate its rivals worldwide, to secure resources internationally, to drive up into central Asia and surround China and Russia and to repress any opposition at home. See the recent FBI raids in Minneapolis and Chicago. The union leaders support this so called war of capitalism on terrorism. They should reject unconditionally any support for capitalism's so called war on terror.

They should exclaim the fraud and class interests of capitalism's so called war on terror and explain they want no part of it. That they oppose it. Then from this launch their own war on terror. That is launch a working class war on capitalism's terror against the working class. This would mean not a job to be cut, not a wage or benefit to be cut, not a house to be foreclosed. Instead a minimum wage of $15.00 an hour or a $5.00 an hour increase for all whichever is the greater, free education, health and child care, an affordable decent home for all. A program of public works to build homes, schools, roads, the infrastructure, develop environmentally sustainable economic projects end all wars and occupations. This would create millions of new jobs.

This can start the war against the terrorism of the capitalists. This can begin to mobilize the working class into action. The pathetic boot licking of the union leaders of the capitalists and their system sees them paralyzed and unable to take on the capitalists. They think there is no alternative to capitalism so they go along. Union activists, left and radical activists, we have to organize together to build opposition in the unions and workplaces and communities to the refusal to fight of the union leaders. A strong opposition in the unions and workplaces which threatens the control and power and perks of the union leaders is the only thing that will move at least some of the union leadership to fight.



MaggieP said...

71% of the job losses in this recession have been men and this has forced more women in to the workplace than normal, women make up 47% of the workforce. In a warped way it's narrowed the gap between earnings with women now earning 83% of a man's median weekly wage compared to 76% in 2000.

Still, that's not great when you consider women have 60% of all BA and MA degrees. But this recession has hit the male job force hard, making women's lives harder too.

Anonymous said...

When are the people of this country going to wake up and smell the coffee! For some reason they have this mentality that whatever happens to someone else, they deserved it. I don't think they WILL get it until it happens to them. :(

Unknown said...

There has been so many horrid stories of this type. I heard of a woman who mortgaged her house against some commercial property that she could not rent out after the crash. She was once a big star in her company. However her management structure changed and her new boss did not like her. The property loan was called in and she got fired on the same day. Capitalism is vicious. I am quoting some famous person by using this,but it sums it all up.

gary said...

it really should be classified as a mental illness ... what other society would force members to behave towards each other in such a fashion? it's a goddamn disgrace, these capitalist pigs