Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christine O'Donnell. masturbation, lust, the Republican Party.

My friend said to me the other night that it is enough to make you despair. That this idiot, Christine O'Donnell who once compared masturbation to adultery won the Republican Party victory in Delaware. Well it could make you despair if you did not keep in mind that this development is being presented to us under the extreme censorship of the capitalist media and also in the context of the refusal of the union leaders with their millions of members to get off their ass and fight.

Polls show that big majorities in the country are in favor of ending the Bush tax cuts for the rich and that far more people blame Wall Street and the Bush regime for the financial and economic collapse. This is in spite of no big force fighting for these ideas. Imagine the movement that could be built in this country if the union leaders would mobilize their millions of members along these lines. They do not do so because they believe there is no alternative to capitalism, that any challenge to capitalism would lead to major conflict and they have no idea what they would do in such a situation and also they are doing quite well out of capitalism.

Other polls show that when Americans are asked about socialism and capitalism over 30% say they favor socialism. Again imagine what the labor leaders could be doing, should be doing with this reality. They should be building a mass campaign against capitalism and for democratic socialism. But what about us on the left and in the radical movement? Why have we such little influence when the mood is like this. This is mainly due to the left's left sectarianism, ultra leftism and opportunism. This is something we on the left and in the radical movement have to face up to, our negative contribution to the logjam that presently exists in US politics and the monopoly that US capitalism continues to have over US politics.

For a Mass Working Peoples Party. For a Democratic Socialist America.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This woman appears to be such a very bad candidate even by normal standards.we do deserve it possible for her to become a us senator?.yes we do need a new political party.however it should be a popular party of the should take it's support from workers who create the real wealth.