I read that troops stationed at a Virginia army base were pressured to attend a concert by a Christian rock band. And if they didn't attend they were confined to barracks. This doesn't surprise me as the military brass is dominated by good God-fearing folks who won't hesitate to kill and maim in the interests of the corporation, and with God's blessing We all know that Jesus was a hedge fund manager way before it became popular.
But according to the press, one young soldier took issue with this brainwashing and religious indoctrination. "My whole issue was I don't need to be preached at," Private Anthony Smith told the AP. "That's not what I signed up for."
Apparently, the Christian rock group BarlowGirl was scheduled to play as part of the "Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concerts." According to the Associated Press, almost half the men refused to attend but were then denied their own free time. They were told to, "clean up the barracks."
In light of the violent scene that the young Iraqi veteran created on returning home that was commented on on this blog yesterday, you'd think any decent Christian would be commenting on that. In response to the accusations that he's a Muslim the White House announced yesterday that Obama is not a Muslim but a good Christian and he "prays every day".
Well good on ya Obama. You support spending billions of US taxpayer's dollars killing people around the world but you pray every day. Perhaps our dear beloved BarlowGirls can write a song about that.
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