Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama regime attacks its liberal base.

Workers movement on the march in Denmark. US workers movement will come.

This Obama regime continues to deliver everything the corporations' corrupt capitalist system demands. After bailing out Wall Street and the financial institutions and the big auto companies with working peoples taxes they then let the owners away with paying huge bonuses and without installing any serious regulation. So a new financial crisis is inevitable. But that is another story. This is about where Obama's spokesperson attacked Obama's liberal base a few days ago. Suggesting they might be on dope or something!!! It is not hard to see what it going on. US capitalism sinks deeper into crisis. Obama and company slick bootlicking capitalist politicians one and all, sink deeper into crisis with it. As this happens the liberal wing of Obama's support call for something else to be done. What they get is Obama's spokesperson telling them to sit down and shut up, basically the wishes of capitalism come first and they should grow up.

Timing is very difficult to foresee in politics. Processes are a bit easier to predict. It is not possible to see when the US working class will reach breaking point and explode, when they will say "we won't take it anymore." Like the flight attendant, only in their millions, when they will collectively walk off the job and demand a different life. It will be great when this happens. Socialists and radicals like the organizers of this blog have to have as much resources and as much clarity as we can when this happens. By the way in terms of the consciousness and the balance of forces; how much have you heard of the Tea Partiers in the last week? They have been pushed aside by the events around Sherrod and Slater.

An explosion from below is inevitable because capitalism keeps fueling it. Look at what the New York Times writes: "The country is a mess. The economy is horrendous and millions of American families are running out of ammunition in their fight against destitution. Steadily increasing numbers of middle class families, who never thought they would be seeking charity, have been showing up at food pantries. The war in Afghanistan, with its dreadful human toll and debilitating drain on the nation's financial resources, is proceeding as poorly as ever." (We could add that the Iraq invasion continues and in spite of Obama's claims is set to continue in one form or another for years.)

US capitalism is in a bad shape. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows 6 in 10 Americans believe the country is on the wrong track and nearly two thirds think the economy will get worse.

The article in the New York Times (August 14th, 2010) containing this material argues for a new New Deal. Massive public investment to build the infrastructure and develop the economy. It refers to FDR and where he talked about the country "investing its way into a sounder future." It goes on to ask the question what will happen to "ordinary Americans even if there is a fretful recovery from the great recession.." It answers its own question. "Millions will be left out. Hope has morphed into widespread gloom as widespread economic suffering becomes the new norm in America." An explosion lies ahead.

The Wall Street Journal of the same date (August 14th, 2010) gives more confirmation of the inevitability of this explosion to come. In East Point. Ga. Section 8 vouchers were being given out last week. These subsidize part of people rents. People drove from as far away as New York City and Philadelphia to try and get one. People stood in line for up to three days in temperatures that reached 100 degrees. Sixty people were taken to hospital for heat exposure. But most incredible of all 30,000 people turned up for the only 455 vouchers which were on offer.

People are increasingly desperate. This country is going to explode. What we see at the moment are small sparks of anger and frustration which are in the main isolated, very confused and do not mobilize the mass of the working class and do not target the real enemy, the corporations and their corrupt capitalist system. But this will change. A mass movement against the corporations and capitalism will come. We must have as many preparations made as possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to take up on the cost of the two wars.I just got back from Ireland and I saw in the ever so annoying Irish independent that the Germans are strongly talking about cutting their army by one third.they have quite a right wing prime minister mind would send such a great message of peace through out the would mean that there would be alot more money to put people back to work.we need to pay higher wages also to save the great middle class that this country had.I agree with Sean we simply have to stand up for ourselves