Monday, August 9, 2010

Jet Blue Flight Attendant Tells the Boss to Stick It. They've Been Screwed Enough, Three Cheers For Flight Attendants

I just read about the Jetblue flight attendant that was apparently hit in the head by a passengers luggage as he was getting it down from the overhead rack.  According to AP, the flight attendant asked for an apology but the passenger refused.  Given the limited information at hand I would think that an apology would be automatic in such circumstances.  This is without knowing all the information at this point like whether or not the flight attendant was deserving of such a rebuff, but even so, they should be congratulated for keeping their cool under rough conditions but it's good to shake things up every now and then; we're not robots.

According to the AP, As the plane was landing, the flight attendant, "got on the public-address system and cussed at the passenger...... He then grabbed at least one beer, activated the slide, slid down and went to his car"  Apparently he went home.

I know that flight attendants have been savaged by the bosses over the years; some of them have been eligible for food stamps and others have lost so much they have been unable to retire.  They work their asses off under difficult conditions, away from home and the jet lag and all. And they often have to put up with idiotic customers.  I am sure the first class types treat them like crap.

What really cheers me up about this regardless is this report from AP, "By Monday night, several Facebook pages had been set up in tribute to Slater, with many users of the social networking site expressing support for him for walking off the job."

This is a good sign and shows that class consciousness and dislike of the bosses and they way they treat workers is not dead in these United States. Shame the heads of organized Labor refuse to tap in to it and give it a more organized and potentially powerful form.

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