Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More money for Afghan war to protect US corporations wealth.

Congress has just approved another $59 billion to fund the Afghan war. We need to say it like it is. This money is to fund a war to help the US corporations seize the estimated $1 trillion of resources in Afghanistan, to grab the trillions more wealth in Central Asia, to defend their already grubby grip on the oil and gas wealth throughout the entire Middle East and to preserve their power internationally. This funding comes overwhelmingly from US working people. The corporations and rich have been playing less and less taxes over the past years. This $59 billion should be used for education, health and the provision of well paid jobs not used to build scrap metal, that is weapons, which are then blown away in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Along with the cost in dollars of the Afghan war there is the cost in lives. The people of the Middle East have been slaughtered in their hundreds of thousands by the US invasions and occupations. And the youth of the NATO invading countries who cannot see any other alternative are fighting and dying for the corporations greed and power. Maybe there should be a new way of doing things. Maybe nobody can go to war until the shareholders of the major corporations go first. Maybe there should be a sort of sliding scale. In every country draw up a list of the wealthy. This would be easy, they are always boasting about their wealth. Then start from the top. The higher on the wealth index the sooner you go to war. And let their be no age limit either. This would shake things up a bit. And after all it is only the approach of the capitalists except the other way around. The richer you are at present the less chance you have to go to war. Let us make it that the richer you are the more chance you have to go to war. Think about Cheyney. He got out of going to Vietnam three times. When asked about it he said he had other things to do. And Bush was a draft dodger too.

Of course I am talking tongue in cheek. This will never happen. We have to stop war and this will only happen when capitalism is overthrown and replaced with democratic socialism. This is what this blog is dedicated to. Contact us and let us work together to build a movement against war and for a democratic socialist world.


Unknown said...

How do we raise class awareness.I work in a union shop.however the techs are non union.we all just had a discussion on world politics and economics.I must say they have trouble looking at the world beyond their own pocket is widely believed that a great invention has to be rewarded with excessive amounts of money,when it is just merely another great idea.let the market decide!.it's the American way.I have to get away from this company and log into this blog to rediscover my sanity.we need to be more creative as a society and look beyond the color of

Anonymous said...

I to get some good information from this site about unions and the economy and stuff. I think everyone really thinks of there own pocket as you say but surely people realize that if other people's pockets are being emptied it's going to get round to me.

Maybe people just don't know what to do.

wendy said...

These are interesting questions and I often feel this way and think the same things.
I am busy informing the nurses at work that our leadership along with every other public sector union leadership has pretty well made a deal with the province to freeze unionized public sector wages. Non union already frozen.
Some asked how can they do that and others seemed as if they did not want to hear. Others said "i guess we have no choice." I tell them otherwise over and over but if our union leaderships tell them over and over again -there is no choice - after decades ofconcessions -and if there is no one to fight for us and no strong political forces we can turn to represent us as a class -what are workers to do.
There is no leadership - to give their anger a focus and to organize and educate us to feel that as workers our interests are in no way the same interests of the bosses.
Things are going to get worse and there will be bigger blows and we need to be there now and in the future to challenge our leaders and in these challenges make it clearer to our co-workers that capitalism is the problem and always will be the problem.
Just keep at it.
I sure know though and hear what you say. Sometimes i just need to get out of my workplace and turn to the organizations and activists i work with or I will feel I will go mad.
Just keep talking .