Monday, July 26, 2010

Killings, gun violence and hypocrisy.

There has been an epidemic of gun violence in Chicago over the past year. Many young people and children have been killed. The mass poverty and alienation of capitalism is the cause of this. But there is another factor. That is that the class that runs this city and who regularly pretend to condemn this violence themselves glorify this violence.

The Chicago Tribune is the city's main paper and one of the world's best know dailies. On Friday, July 23rd, 2010 it had a four inch deep colored lay out across the entire top of its front page. What did this lay out advertise? Good paying secure jobs with full benefits for all, affordable houses for all, free education and health care for all, full union rights for all workers? That is did it come out for conditions which would have given people decent lives and therefore reason to live peaceful lives together?

No it did not. This full cross page four inch spread had a photo of actress Angelina Jolie. And what was she doing? She was holding a pistol with her finger on the trigger and pointing it at a target. That is she was being used to glorify violence. The usual hypocrites who run this city, the rich and their bought and paid for politicians such as Daley had nothing to say about this. Their propaganda about the violence is that the people in the neighborhoods must take their neighborhoods back and must report what goes on to the cops. The same cops who have been found to be torturing suspects.

Capitalism is rotten. it has forfeited the right to exist. Its representatives and voices such as the Chicago Tribune are hypocrites who are quite happy to see violence go on as long as it does not touch them. In fact they glorify it as it gives them the excuse to increase repression and keep working people down. With all this violence they say what can we do? We have to spend more on cops to keep things going.


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