Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Capitalism, a monstrous vicious system.

The new publications on the horrific war crimes in Afghanistan being carried out by US capitalism bring the reality of that system home. And just to be clear. The US fighting there has nothing to do with womens rights. It is about seizing the estimated $1trillion worth of resources in that country and at the same time putting a ring round Russia and China. I see where that US capitalist mouthpiece Hil;iary Clinto is now going on to threaten China in relation to the islands in south East Asia.

If it was not for the existence of nuclear weapons the world would be much closer to war. In fact what we are seeing is the ratcheting up of the antagonisms between the major capitalist powers over resources and markets. And central to this is that US capitalism after the collapse of stalinism thought it would easily dominate the entire world and now it is seeing that things are more complicated and especially that the giant China is asserting itself and so it is trying to assert itself further.

At the same time as US capitalism is facing more problems and stronger opposition forces abroad it is facing more and more problems at home. The economy drags on in slow motion. Unemployment remains a criminal stain on the system 14 million people are unemployed, millions more are under employed or so discouraged they are not seeking work and millions more are in prison. This adds up to about about 20 million people. This is potentially a giant workforce. What a waste. US capitalism keeps 20 million people from working and producing. What a waste.

This reality alone proves that capitalism does not work, that it has forfeited the right to exist. Capitalist think tanks have created an economic security index. This measures the percentage of Americans who have experienced a decrease in their family income of 25% or more in one year without having the financial resources to offset that loss. In 1985 this was 12.5% in 2002 this had rocketed up to 17% and by 2009 it had gone up to over 20%. That is it almost doubled in in less than 20 years. American workers will not face this forever, there will be a reaction, a fight back.

US capitalism is failing its own working class at home. It is throwing more and more of them into wars and slaughter abroad, It is throwing more and more of them into poverty at home. It is murdering more and more people around the world in its wars and occupations and so fueling the anger and rage against US capitalism itself and preparing the ground for more and more wars, And in the process it is slaughtering in the most horrific manner the peoples in the countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq which it invades.

Capitalism does not work.



Unknown said...

its so important to report the essential facts.20 million people have been cast out of the system like garbage.i left out a very important stat in my comments yesterday.1%
make 23% of wealth by one report.more importantly they own 34% of total wealth.if we recieved the same comparable wage as we did in the seventies,we would all be making 7 to 8 dollars an hour more.all this wealth being produced now goes more and more to the rich.thanks again for all the important facts and essential truth telling

Anonymous said...

Free market Capitalism is a joke... If anyone wants to know more about a system of government that is completely democratic and for the rights of the workers go to www.internationalsocialist.org.