(right) Northern Ireland 1972: Civil Rights Marchers attacked by Army
Is Justice delayed justice at all? Well, for the justice-deprived, any justice may be welcomed.
The families and friends of the 26 unarmed civilians murdered by the Army in Northern Ireland on January 30th, 1972, finally got an apology from the Prime Minister in London today. The official story for 38 years, after what became known as Bloody Sunday, was that the civil rights marchers were armed and threatened the heavily-armed soldiers. Just today, the government admitted that this massacre was both "unjustified" and "unjustifiable."
Thirty-Eight years later. Thirty-Eight years! Lives have come and gone. Governments have passed. And it takes this long to get an apology from a government for a massacre of its own people. And this, in a so-called Democracy.
Today, ironically, the Israeli government announced an impartial inquiry into its May 31st Flotilla Massacre. We can only predict that the first inquiry, after several months or years, announces that the soldiers were acting in self-defense or that no-one was to blame for the death of the peace activists.
If the British Government's final admission today is anything to go by, an Israeli Prime Minister will apologize for the Flotilla Massacre some time in 2048. Many of us reading this blog will be long dead by then, but for those of us still kicking it, we will have Justice, capitalist-style.
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