Iranian regime that hates us because we are free much like the Iraqis and terrorists all over the world do, some US politicians are upping the anti. A bill that would bar the Pentagon from buying fuel from any company that does business with Iran has been introduced in the US House of Representatives and so far has the support of the Armed Services Committee. This would affect significantly companies like BP and Shell that are two of the main suppliers of fuel to the Pentagon.
War is certainly a profitable business for some, especially the section of the capitalist class in the energy industry. The value of Pentagon oil-supply contracts has gone from under $4 billion in in FY 2000 to almost $16 billion in 2009. The aftermath of the 911 attacks has been good to Halliburton, Chevron, Shell and BP. The Pentagon is the "single largest oil consumer burning around 400,000 barrels a day for its fleet of aircraft and vehicles" the Wall Street Journal informs us."*
What an incredible waste of resources, this is both natural and human. Resources used for destruction of human life and the environment. As long as this resource is in private hands this will never stop and the catastrophe in the gulf of Mexico will certainly not be the last.
And Obama is sending 1200 troops to the Mexican border to protect us from "aliens". The arrogance. Immigrants that come up north, legal or otherwise, are an asset to society, an extremely exploited one at that. They are overwhelmingly economic migrants. Meanwhile, BP, the global corporation has made pea soup of the Gulf of Mexico, a body of water shared by many countries in the region, most with no say in what occurs there in the face of US dominance but will be its victims nevertheless.
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