Friday, May 7, 2010

attitude to socialism.

The new Pew Research Center poll has found that labeling Obama and his supporters "socialist," a frequent tactic of his opponents, is not leading to much of a public backlash. The results showed that Americans on the whole are "not so negative" about socialism, with 0nly a relatively small majority regarding it negatively. In fact of 18- to 29-year-olds polled the split is about even as regards socialism or capitalism. 43% like socialism as much as they do capitalism. Each term is viewed positively by 43 percent of respondents in this age group. And this is when there is no mass force arguing for socialism and when all the mass forces in this country argue for capitalism.

Think about the role of the union leaders in this. They are so terrified of the capitalists, they are so blind to any kind of an alternative, that you could not a positive word out of their mouth about socialism if your held them down and pulled out their finger nails with a pair of pliers. Think about it another way. If the union leaders turned to the millions of members in the unions they control and mobilized these members and turned to the unorganized working class as a whole they could build a giant movement for socialism in this country. The union leaders have forfeited their right to run the unions. They have to be removed and replaced with fighting leaderships who will fight the employers and fight for socialism.

For a movement to organize the unorganized.
For a movement to fight for Socialism.
For a mass working peoples' party.


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