Monday, May 10, 2010

Another bail out of the rich.

Just like they did in the US and internationally in 2008, the bankers, the stock market swindlers, the rich brought Europe to the brink of collapse over the past few weeks. In a major panic stricken move to prop up the euro the European Union have now agreed to bail out the various capitalist governments such as Greece with $955 billion. This is a staggering amount. How many houses it could build, how many people in poor countries it could hook up to clean water and toilets, how much food it could produce. In 2008 the US government put up $700 billion of tax payers money to bail out the US and world financial system. In total this amounts to $1,655 billion dollars. Never again let any of us be fooled into thinking there is no money for peoples' needs. When the capitalists need it they can get it. If we put on the pressure we can get it.

The capitalists and their politicians try to blackmail us by saying that big corporations are too big to fail and countries are to big to fail. They say that if they are allowed to fail then they will bring the system down. But if a bank if going to fail there are a number of options. One is let it fail. Another is what they do that is prop it up with taxpayers money. This is what they do. But the other option and this is the one we fight for and this is to take the bank into public ownership under workers control and management. If a country is going to fail do the same the same thing. Take the wealth out of the hands of the profit addicted capitalists and their corrupt capitalist system. Build a democratic socialist economy and society world wide.

It is not a question of banks and capitalist countries being too big to fail. It is a question of humanity not being able to afford the corrupted swindling banks and the profit addicted capitalist system.


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