Saturday, April 24, 2010

Silk suits, fancy briefcases, limos, drivers, big bonuses. .

In Arizona the racist right wing government have decided to arrest people who they consider look like they might have no immigration papers. This means a browner skin and cheap clothes. Going out in the morning with torn pants is now a real hazard in that state. It reminds me of being pulled out of check points in Northern Ireland in the old days because of how I looked. The rage that would build in me. But back to Arizona.

Undocumented workers are amongst the hardest workers in the US. And they do the dirtiest and lowest paid jobs. Yet it is they who are being targeted.

The US and world economy was brought to the brink of collapse in 2008 and 2009. Total collapse was only averted by trillions of dollars being handed over from tax payers, that is working class people. This economic catastrophe was not caused by the actions of undocumented workers. It was caused by the criminal behavior and fraud and greed of the capitalist class, that is the rich. So here is what should be happening if the Arizona approach is properly applied and people are to be arrested for how they look.

The criteria that Arizona has decided on for arresting people should be totally scrapped and replaced by these different criteria. Everybody who wears a fancy suit and carries an expensive brief case must be eligible for questioning and arrest about the financial crisis. We can add in a few other criteria also, anybody who has a limo, a driver, servants, you get the picture. Anybody who has any of these should be eligible for arrest and questioning on suspicion of being involved in the financial crimes and swindles that brought about the crisis of 2008 and 2009. These criminals continue to pay themselves huge salaries and bonuses and bribe the politicians to stop laws being passed to force them to stop their fraud. They should also be questioned on this. Why are the tea baggers and their friends such as the Arizona so called lawmakers not going after Wall street and the financial criminals. These people are cowardly bullies. They are afraid to go after the big money and instead go after the poorest and most vulnerable.

Of course we do not think that this state which is controlled by the capitalist class will do this. We are raising this to show how the state is controlled by this class and sees working class people as the enemy. We must stand together with our brothers and sisters who have no papers and together struggle for a better life for all and full legal status for all.


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