Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama, Bootlicks Wall St. Fires school teachers.

Many people who supported Obama for President are enraged at his cowardly refusal to take on Wall Street and the capitalist criminals. To be more accurate, at his bailing out of Wall Street and the capitalist criminals to the tune of trillions of dollars of tax payers, that is our, money. And not only that. But just to be sure he makes no "mistakes" and his big capitalists backers are reassured, he surrounds himself with agents of Wall Street and the capitalist criminals in his regime.

This anger is increased when people see how he goes after working people who are trying desperately to get by and to deal with the everyday problems that this capitalist system and its crisis causes. One such example of this latter approach by Obama is where he has come out in support of the firing of the entire teaching staff of a school in Central Falls, Rhode Island. Anybody who knows is aware how hard teachers work. How they take time out of their own schedules to try and teach the children, how they raise money from their own resources to try and buy supplies. But now here, the bully in the White House, is supporting their firing, 93 teachers and staff have been fired. Of course as mentioned above, where he should be a bully and take the stick to Wall Street and the capitalist criminals he is a wimp.

A fraction of what Obama and his capitalist cronies gave to bail out Wall Street and the capitalist criminals would solve the educational budget crisis. A fraction of what is spent on wars and occupations abroad and on the military industrial complex, that is the production of destructive scrap metal, would solve the financial crisis of education. But does Obama take the case for this alternative to the country and fight for it? No! Obama and the Democrats, like the Republicans, are slick corrupt capitalist politicians who see their task as to serve their class and keep working people down.

Think about it. Where are the fired teachers and staff in that small Rhode Island town going to get work? How will they pay their mortgages? How will they survive? Obama and his class do not care. They do not have to worry about such things. They have big jobs with big salaries and when they screw up they are not fired, they are bailed out with our taxes. And as for the politicians like Obama when their tenure ends they get millions of dollars in speaking fees from the corporations. And when they fail at their jobs as Obama is failing at his at present they are not fired and left with nothing like the 93 teachers and staff in Central Falls.

We must give full support to the fired Rhode Island teachers. And the teachers unions must stop with their mealy mouthed whining and support for the Democrats and mobilize their millions of members to get these teachers their jobs back. The leadership of these unions are partly responsible for what has happened. They themselves put all their resources behind Obama. People like the organizers of this blog explained in advance that this was a very bad mistake.

The unions should have given no support to either the Republicans or the Democrats and ran a candidate of their own on a working peoples party ticket, and mobilized their millions of members. They should now link up with the movement to defend education which had such a great national strike and day of action on March 4th, and make the fight to get the Rhode Island teachers their jobs back, and expand and defend public education.

Anthony J. Mullen teaches in Arch School in Greenwich, Conn. He is National Teacher of the year. Opposing the firing of the teachers he makes clear that while he supports accountability it is a question of "what kind of accountability are we talking about? This 'off with their heads' mentality. It's a bloodthirsty mentality."

That is right Obama and his capitalist regime are bloodthirsty when it comes to the working people. But boot lickers and wimps and serfs when it comes to Wall Street and the capitalist criminals.

Defend and Expand Education. Re-hire the teachers and staff in Central Falls.
Make the fight to rehire all 93 teachers and staff at central Falls part of the March 4th struggle to defend and expand public education.
Make the rich pay for the crisis in education.


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