Monday, March 15, 2010

Catholic church, capitalism protects it, it protects capitalism. So pope must be shored up and the child abusers protected.

The Catholic Church is a huge world wide and immensely wealthy organization. It is dominated by unelected males and committed to the capitalist system. This is the essence of the organization. In spite of an effort to cover up this reality with its great art treasures and buildings, with its weekly rituals of music, and speeches and gatherings and its schools and its charity works I repeat again, the Catholic church is in essence an immensely wealthy organization dominated by unelected males and committed to capitalism.

In the past this church changed its rules to make its full time workers, that is its priests, bishops, cardinals, popes and nuns celibate. The thinking behind this was that the full time workers would have no children to inherit their wealth, so any wealth they had or which was accumulated (in many cases plundered) by the church would stay within the institution. This left the organization with a male dominated unelected celibate apparatus running this organization with its great accumulated wealth. That is this organization was being run by what James Joyce called "incomplete men." Joyce said that a man without a women in his life was an incomplete man.

This entirely unnatural situation meant that serious trouble was inevitable. The church apparatus, starting with the unelected male pope down was totally authoritarian. There was and is not democracy in the organization. The pope "knows all" and orders all and the apparatus takes these orders and pushes them on down into the institution. And if there is any resistance those who resist are intimidated and threatened and blackmailed with offending the hold father, with never getting to heaven, (excommunication) with shaming the church and their loved ones, with stabbing holy mary in the back and various other forms of blackmail. . What a vicious outfit.

But the chickens are coming home to roost for this organization. You cannot give unelected celibate males control over others for centuries and not have problems. This is especially the case when the demand of women for equality has increased so much and with this the demand for humane treatment of children. So we have the exposure of the epidemic of child abuse by the catholic church full time organizers. But not only that we have the conscious cover up of this criminal abuse. And now with the exposure that the present pope was involved in covering up it is clear this cover up and corruption has been going and goes to the highest level.

The present pope was a member of the Hitler youth. He and his supporters claim he had no choice. But of course he had a choice. He could have gone underground and fought the nazi's like millions of others mainly socialists and left wing people did. But no he chose to go along and be in a position to advance his career in the Catholic church and German society. And he succeeded. He rose through German capitalist society and the Catholic church apparatus. Right to the top of the Catholic church. To be pope.

In this position he and his supporters have been trying desperately to shield him from the child abuse crisis. But in vain. It now turns out that dating back to the 1970's more than 100 cases have come to light in German and three of these were in the Pope's own former diocese, Munich-Freising. The Catholic church says the pope did not know. And who did it have say this? Why no other than a "spokeswoman." Not a spokesman. When did you last hear of the Catholic church having a spokeswoman. It is always a spokesman. Now in light of the torrent of child abuse evidence and they need to present a soft warm cuddly face they wheel out a spokeswoman. What hypocrites. They will do anything, use anybody to prop up their image and apparatus.

The church claims it is investigating the situation in Germany. Again we have another spokes woman, not man, speaking for the church, Monica Herghelegiu, canon lawyer and lecturer at the university of Tubingen. She says: "it is very difficult for church investigators to seek information from him (the pope) about the era when the abuse occurred. There is no canon law that would require him to give answers." Think about this. Rather than wanting to come forward and say all he knows the pope will hide behind so called canon law. And what is canon law? Canon law is the body of "law" that the church makes up for itself. It is like me making up a law and saying that I cannot be questioned about some crime because this law I made up says I cannot. Another church spokes person said: "What they cannot do is put the pope on trial." This raises the question. Why not. If he knew about child abuse and covered it up he should be on trial. The arrogance of these people is staggering.

The church authorities are a bunch of dishonest lawyer types with a dictatorial view of the world. While this pope was head of the Munich-Freising diocese a known abuser was returned to work there. Has the church and this pope taken responsibility for this in an open and honest manner? No. The present pope "helped make" the decision but was "not responsible" in the matter. What does this mean? A separate investigation is under way in Regensburg involving abuse of members of a children's choir. The pope's brother served as priest and choir director there. He says he slapped children but stopped when it was outlawed in the 1980's.

These people who run this outfit are incredible. In their own official newspaper they claim that the present former nazi associated pope and a man who covered up sex abusers is a "vigilant shepherd of his flock." They attack the media they do not control as being responsible for their problems.

If you think I am making too much out of the Catholic church and its importance to capitalism please think again. Its giant apparatus round the world preaches that there is no alternative to capitalism and through its schools and churches indoctrinates those it can reach to believe this. When the liberation theology current developed in the church three decades ago and began to criticize capitalism it was crushed without mercy by the leadership of the church. The church was also active in funneling money and resources to the right wing dictatorships in Latin America to murder and torture the left and working class activists there. The Catholic church used its resources to ensure that when the working class in Poland and other stalinist countries rose against stalinism instead of taking the road of democratic socialism they took the road of capitalism.

ThCatholic church is an important institution for capitalism. The last three editions of the Wall Street Journal has all had long articles on its crisis. They do not want this prop for their system to be discredited and unavailable to indoctrinate the youth and its members in favor of capitalism or to be unavailable for other more concrete actions when they are needed.


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