Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ooops! "We're sorry" says the US after their missile wipes out a family. A good recruitment boost for al Queda?

Oh well, another little accident on way to freedom. US missiles slammed in to a house in Afghanistan and wiped out ten members of the same family, murdering 12 people in all.  The missiles were 1000 feet off target.  Oh well! Back to the drawing board.
"We deeply regret this tragic loss of life," said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan and actual ruler of the country on behalf of US capitalism.  "The current operation in central Helmand is aimed at restoring security and stability to this vital area of Afghanistan. It's regrettable that in the course of our joint efforts, innocent lives were lost." It's funny, Timothy McVeigh used the same "collateral damage" argument but it didn't go down too well.

McChrystal apparently also apologized to Afghan President Hamid Karza, the US puppet in Kabul.

Well, that should do it.

Meanwhile McChrystal's partners back home are waging a war on US families but have to be a little more constrained.  As they shift the burden of their economic crisis on to the backs of US workers, education is taking a huge hit, after all, you can't bomb Afghan and Iraqi children and provide a decent education for US children at the same time---something's gotta give, and, as is clear from Obama's budget, it ain't the offense budget.  His 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan comes at a hefty $1,000,000 per person. Meanwhile, money is being saved by relaxing legislation that guaranteed school districts money if they reduced class sizes.  But now, more and more states are increasing them to save money. 

The Cupertino Union School District in Cupertino California will be raising class sizes from 20 students to 30 if they don't come up with $3,000,000 this fall.  That's the cost of sending three young people to Afghanistan, of course, who needs education when there's no jobs, and when there's no jobs, the military becomes the best deal in town, or the only one.

I am not a teacher but you have to cringe at the comments from the capitalist politicians regarding this issue.  "After 20 years, our children's performance hasn't been dramatically improved by these (class size) mandates." says Nevada Governor, Jim Gibbons in the Wall Street Journal. Gibbons is a fine piece of work. As Nevada Governor he attempted to obtain reimbursement for the health care of Mexican nationals from the Mexican government, he has been accused of sexual assault with much controversy surrounding that case.  he has been invesygated for bribery and despite his disdain for immigrants, has never denied the claim by an undocumented Peruvian Nanny that she worked for Gibbons and his wife and was asked to not answer the door and keep her status under wraps. Gibbons is described as a Latter Day Saint.

These are the people that run society, or that do so on behalf of the Warren Buffets of this world. Through their policies they murder Afghani children and deny US children a future.  Their less openly violent attitude toward US workers and our families is merely out of necessity, a tactical question in the pursuit of profits around the world.


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