Sunday, January 10, 2010

The brutal cruelty of capitalism.

At the moment in the US there are 17.3% of people on the wider unemployment list. That is 17.3% of the potential workforce who have either no jobs, who are on part time work when they want full time work, or who have given up looking for work. This is around 30 million people.

In most of the advanced capitalist countries of western europe if you are unemployed you get enough to pay your rent and eat. In this country it is different. Millions of the unemployed get not a dime, or only get a pittance for a few months. This is the main basis for crime and violence in this country. The lack of well paid secure jobs with good wages and benefits for all.

These realities condemn capitalism. It has forfeited the right to exist. On the top of the agenda must be the struggle to end capitalism in America and replace it with a democratic socialist society.


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