Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"UC Commission on the Future" - it was made for privatization

Hi folks - this is what BAMN is sending out to its listserv. It includes an exposure of what tomorrow's "UC Commission on the Future" actually is: a committee to make proposals to cheapen and privatize UC. Please share this information with your lists:

This Thursday, Dec.3, 9:00AM in Pauley Ballroom, students must speak out against and expose UC President Yudof's "Commission on the Future" hearing at UC-Berkeley. The Commission is charged with making proposals to adapt to reduced public funding by cheapening and privatizing the UC system.

Formed in September 2009 and co-chaired by UC President Yudof and Regents Chairman Russell Gould, the "UC Commission on the Future" is charged with exploring different ideas, including:
* finding sources of private funding
* expanding "collaborative research" with "industry partners" (i.e. corporation-directed research)
* reducing undergraduate programs that are not "cost effective" (i.e. social sciences and liberal arts)
* online classes
* reducing UC freshman enrollment, and increasing the number of transfers from community colleges
* reducing the number of California residents admitted in favor of out-of-state residents who pay higher fees and are much less racially and economically diverse

Another proposal highlighted in the Commission's press materials is asking firms to pay the UC system a fee for every UC graduate they hire.

[Website at: ]

Taken together, these proposals would lead to the privatization of the UC system. Inequality would increase, and in particular Latina/o, black, Native American, immigrant, undocumented, and low-income students of all races would be pushed out of the UC system.

For the past few weeks, thousands of students have been mobilizing to defend public education. This new movement has the power to reverse the fee hikes, and to stop the privatization of our university.

Join us Thursday and defend public education!

8:00AM – Gather at People's Park, march to Bancroft + Telegraph
8:30AM – Meet at Bancroft + Telegraph
9:00AM – "UC Commission on the Future" hearing, Pauley Ballroom (MLK Student Union)

- Ronald Cruz
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

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