Tuesday, December 1, 2009

UC Berkeley at Sproul: Demand Free Speech Now

Left: Mario Savio, before the FSM sit in, Dec 3, 1964


Join us to DEMAND FREE SPEECH NOW, this Wednesday December 2nd on
Sproul Plaza at 12 Noon:

In attempting to mobilize our own UC Berkeley in the struggle to fight
for public education, we have had to overcome many obstacles:

On December 2nd, we are celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Free
Speech Movement. The event seeks to be apolitical and to focus solely
on FSM. The event will have alumni speakers and will feature a showing
of the famous Mario Savio speech. Due to past weeks of organizing and
protesting it is clear that this event cannot be apolitical nor can it
dissociate itself from the movement today.

Firstly, Birgeneau has not come out publicly against the lay-offs and
fee hikes, on the opposite, he is implementing them.

Second, UCPD shut down the Open Univeristy on Thursday Nov 19th, and
took away our banners and posters.

In addition, on Friday, November 20th, UCPD and the other police
forces around the Bay area that the Chancellor called intervened with
brutality against all of us that were supporting and defending the

We should take action to let all the students know that there is no
free speech in our university (especially for the ones that want to
defend public education) and that our administration is not
representing us.

On December 2nd, we have the opportunity to bring our demands to the
administration and force them to take a position!

Transform Public Education!
Take Back Free Speech!

Provisional Demands of Nov. 30 Mobilizing Meeting:

1. Defend Public Education: Rescind the Fee Hikes
2. Immediate, Accesssible and Full Disclosure of System-wide Finances
and Transparency of U.C. Office of the President Operations.
3. Fair and Legal Contract Negotiations -- Rescind All Lay-offs and Furloughs
4. Increase Enrollment of Under-Resourced Students of Color
5. No Cuts in Minority Recruitment and Retention Programs
6. Financial Aid and Scholarships for All Students, Regardless of
Immigration Status
7. System-wide Sanctuary University: No Cooperation with ICE
(Immigrations and Customs Enforcement)
8. Renew the Lease for Rochdale Co-op Under Current Lease Terms
9. No Retaliation for Workers who Stand in Solidarity with the Nov
18th-20th strike
10. Drop All Charges: End Administration Repression of Free Speech

Facebook event:

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