Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Democrats: 30,000 more to slaughter or be slaughtered.

There are times to be blunt and tell it like it is. This is one of them. The wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are being fought to secure the oil and gas and other resources of these countries and Central Asia for US Imperialism, to strengthen its military base in the entire region and to surround China and confront Russia. Forget about the propaganda you hear about fighting terrorism and islamic fundamentalism. When it suited them, fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and fighting in the Balkans, US imperialism armed and supported islamic fundamentalism and it still does today in states such as Saudi Arabia.

Now we have the Obama regime sending 30,000 more troops to kill or be killed in Afghanistan in the interests of the US corporations, of US Imperialism. We have to challenge the many people who, many for the best of reasons, supported Obama. We said he would represent the US corporations interests at home and abroad, we said the Democratic and Republican parties were not fundamentally different, we said Obama would carry on with the wars and occupations abroad. We have been proven correct. This country cannot be changed until the majority of the population break from the political monopoly that capitalism has in the shape of its two parties, the Republicans and Democrats. We challenge those who supported Obama for the best of reasons and in particular the trade union leaders, draw a lesson here. Never more support the Democratic or Republican Party.

Instead use your resources to build an alternative. Again this is especially the responsibility of the union leaders. Use the hundreds of millions that you give to the Democrats in elections to build an alternative. For rank and file trade unionists oppositions must be built in every workplace, local union to stop the unions funds and resources being given to the bosses party, the Democrats. The American working class needs a party of its own. A working peoples party. Through this we can fight for our interests at home, better wages, conditions, better living standards. And through this party also we can link with the working class throughout the world to build a better life for all whatever country we live in. For the building of a Working People Party.

We must immediately mobilize to oppose sending the 30,000 more troops. Build for and participate in the demonstrations that are already being planned. We must link our struggle against sending more troops to the almost 100 actions that are taking place in colleges and universities throughout the country and abroad. The fight for a good education is the fight for a good job is the fight against being forced to join the military for economic reasons. Economic conscription is widespread in the US at the moment, that is people are being forced to join the military for economic reasons. This economic conscription is worse than conscription because it hits the poorer sections of society only. No 30,000 surge, end the wars and occupations and bring all US troops home.

Obama's strategy will not work. After eight years US imperialism has not been able to win in Afghanistan. Now Obama says he is giving eighteen months to win and then withdraw. His so called strategy will be a failure. The opposition will just dig in and pace themselves for the eighteen months. The utterly corrupt Karzai regime will do the same. The result of the Obama strategy will be more slaughter and destruction in Afghanistan and more killing and wounding of US youth and after eighteen months the troops will still be there and most likely the generals will be asking for another surge. That is if the US forces have not been drawn openly into the nuclear state of Pakistan.


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