Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Cleveland murders are not simply an individuals responsibility

So 11 women between the ages of 25 and 60 were found in various states of death in a house or its yard in a poor section of Cleveland Ohio.  Some had been strangled, some had died by "homicidal violence".  I can only imagine what that is.  I assume it means beaten to death by another human being in a fit of uncontrollable rage.  One of the victims has yet to be identified.  Some were found in the house, others in shallow graves in the yard.  A skull was found in a bucket in the basement and has yet to be assigned a body. The alleged perpetrator is a former marine who already served time for rape.

What is noticeable about this situation is that neighbors complained two years ago about a "foul smelling odor" coming from the place.  In 2007 residents called local city councilman Zack Reed's office to complain about it. But right next door to the place was a sausage factory so "everyone assumed the smell came from there" said the councilman. But those that complained made it clear that it wasn't a "meat" smell but the smell of dead bodies. It was like the smell of a "rotting body" people said.

Two years and probably several deaths  later, we have this gruesome find.  The council member admits that the "ball was dropped".  But why was the ball dropped? Let's see, are there any clues?

Well for a start, rich people might like sausages, but they don't live next to sausage factories; they prefer more pristine surroundings. So we know this was a poor neighborhood perhaps.  Then we find that a house in that neighborhood has a for sale sign and is being offered at $15,000 which would confirm our suspicions.  Some of those that accumulated  riches as they laid the groundwork for the present crisis spent $3,000,000 on their daughter's birthday parties.

So it's a poor neighborhood alright.

Then we discover that the alleged killer was seen by a local mailman in October along the side of his house naked, with a woman who was also naked. Apparently the woman had fallen from a second story window and was being treated by medical personnel according to reports, but no one called the police.

The reason this occurred is that this was a poor neighborhood and the poor in this neighborhood are also African Americans.  I do not think that it would take two years to investigate more thoroughly, complaints of a stench of rotting bodies at a house that was in an upscale community; Beverly Hills say.  And the victims are poor, African American and women.   Possessing these three qualities does not light a fire under the the powers that be in a racist, sexist society; just the opposite, the power in society looks at you with nothing but disgust, you are the bottom of the heap, you are not worth the effort; you are where you are through your own failings.

You only have to watch numerous crime shows on TV the real life crime shows in particular and the victims of violent crime are so often women. Prostitutes are a prime target of sexual predators, vulnerable as they are and society cares little about them anyway.

Even the perpetrator.  We don't need to be psychiatrists to know he's not well.  He was a marine.  That training is enough to screw up anyone.  I have no idea what happened to him in his life, but I do know he was trained to kill, to think of those they sent him to kill as less than human.  A friend who went through that training told me that they used to have them shout repeatedly, "die motherf*&#@r, die", as they practiced their craft.  "They had to ensure we felt no kin with the other side, that we questioned what we were doing" he told me.

But all these details will not be considered in the analysis of events by the experts.  A crazy man acted out his fantasies; that's it.

And the righteous will be calling for his head too.

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