Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wee Karl Marx and war

Marx wrote:"War is recognized throughout political economy as the basis of political organization." It is wrong to try and discuss economics as economics. When we try and deal with economics we have to deal with political economy. Yes we have to deal with the tendency to over production and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. But we also have to deal with the inevitable tendency of capitalism to wage war. It has to do this for a number of reasons. Each capitalist class has to keep trying to grab more resources and more markets. Capitalism as a whole has to keep producing the arms which are basically scrap metal which are continually consumed and create more demand. This has a tendency to counter over production but at the cost of inflation. Look at the present. The military industrial complex makes up a large section of the US economy. The wars and occupations abroad likewise. The US have bases in over 180 countries worldwide. Then the US needs war for another reason. It needs it to keep its own working class in line. The enemy abroad is always held up as a threat and so the working class at home have to support their own leaders. United we stand, god bless America and all that stuff. 

Economics cannot be separated from political economy. Wee Karl was not so slow. Sean. 

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