Saturday, August 1, 2009

Capitalism gets madder by the day.

Everyday we see more examples of the increasing insanity of capitalism and how it is destroying peoples lives in the process. In Jefferson County in the State of Alabama the County can no longer afford to bury the poor people who die. Now it is moving to lay off two thirds of its workforce.  Yes two thirds. This is an indication of what we are going to experience in this the "best country in the world" soon. This country is going to explode. 

Then I see that Ryanair in Europe are going to charge people for going to the toilet during flights. These capitalists are mad.  Can you imagine what is going to happen when a bunch of passengers who have been drinking want to go to the toilet but do not have the money to pay. And at some stage working class people are going to explode in opposition to being treated like pieces of dirt. 

Then there is the related side. Because of the refusal of the labour leaders to organize for the socialist alternative and fight all sorts of confusions develop. There is even one guy here in the US who is convinced that he can see the image of "Jesus" in the hairline of the ass of his chihuahua. I have a chihuahua myself and for weeks now I have been examining it, up and down, left and right,the poor dog is tortured,  but try as I might no image can I see. I am desperate for one as then I could start a pilgrimage, chihuahuaism,  and give out Facts For Working People(FFWP) and sell items to make money for FFWP. Aagh it is a terrible unjust world altogether. Now remember if you got anything from this contribution, either new information or a laugh or both send FFWP a donation. See Paypal on this site, 


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