The US and pre-revolution Russian ruling classes have a lot more in common that they think. The Tzarina had Rasputin and Michelle Obama has Nancy Reagan. Michelle Obama has been calling Nancy Reagan for advice, according to Vanity Fair. Nancy Reagan still talks to Ronnie, a miracle since he's been dead a while. I wonder if he feels bad about what he did to the air traffic controllers, destroying their livelihoods and banning them for working in their profession for life.
Nancy, like Rasputin, liked to have a good time and trusted the stars a lot, stars like the ones that only come out at night, not the ones in hollywood but those in space. (Damn it's hard to describe these two types of stars as they both come out at night and are in space) Her advice to Ms Obama was to have more state dinners. The Bush's didn't have too many of them, especially after what Colbert did to George.
"Just have a good time and do a little business. And that is the way Washington works," she told Michelle. Nancy's carefree attitude amidst a world engulfed in hunger and mayhem, brought about by policies her husband implemented is quite something. It takes a real inner strength to chomp down on a chicken wing while listening to Lawrence Welk in times like that.
That shameful Barak Obama made some wisecrack about poor Nancy's astrological preferences but he apologized; Michelle is trying to correct that little mistake; what bootlickers they all are.
I wonder if Nancy passed on Ronnies advice about how to deal with workers who engage in job actions to protest the destruction of their living standards...."Fire the bastards."
Could you imagine Malcolm X, Big Bill Haywood or Mother Jones giving these people any credibility by kissing their asses like that?
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