Saturday, June 13, 2009

Foreign Policy magazine leads with Marx on the front page.

The May/June edition of the US capitalist magazine Foreign Policy leads with Marx on the front page. It says: "Marx really. Why he matters now." It explains that worldwide sales of Marx's works have shot up. The magazine says Marx was "far ahead of his time" and he had "premonitions of AIG and Bear Stearns trembling a century and a half later." In relation to the present world crisis the article says, Marx would have said it represented "the sorcerer who is no longer able to control the powers of the netherworld whom he has called up by his spells." The article quotes Marx as saying that the "immediate aim was to organize the "proletarians into a class" whose first task "would be to win the battle for democracy." This is interesting when so many lefts have got so confused that they appear to be more against democracy than the right. Here in the US one of the demands I think the left should be raising is the banning of all lobbying at city, state and federal levels, the banning of all lobbying. This would increase real democracy. The article also speaks about the increased debate on nationalization of the banks.  And under a photo of a bust of Marx says: "From museum curiousity to man of the hour." When ideas correspond to reality then they cannot be supressed for ever. Reality will resurrect them again and again. After 48 years of right wing dictatorship in Portugal during which all Marx's works were banned when the regime was overthrown in 1974 Marx immediately became the best selling author. Marx and all socialist writers and workers are coming back on the agenda again. Socialists like ourselves must see that this demand is met.


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