Thursday, December 4, 2008

Traitors Among Us

While the Big Three beg for their lives so go the UAW and CAW leadership.
Predictably the auto workers in the US and Canada are sold out once again by the bosses and their leadership. If nothing else will serve to get worker angry enough to refuse to be used and exploited and manipulated , to be "restructured " yet again-one would think this would do the trick.
Swallowing the lie that there are no other choices, the UAW/CAW leadership ( they have lost their right to be called leaders-unless we think leaders should lead us into unemployment and poverty-some leadership that)are forcing concessions down the throats of the autoowrkers and throwing candy at the bosses. Candy for the shareholders/ poison for the workers.
There is nothing sweet for workers in the proposed boot-licking throw aways to the bosses.
It is time to place the blame squarely on the UAW/CAW leadership.
Sure we know the enemy is capitalism and the market and we need to make that clear all the time everywhere. When workers can no longer afford to buy back the products they produce because of the greed of the market-then they turn to credit as do the bankers and shareholders. When the market players , in their addiction to the game play fast and loose with our money , they predictably lose , the bills are called in and what do ya know no more credit. Forced to use credit, for our homes , our health care , education - we are punished for using credit and then they turn around and beg us to use more credit to buy , to rescue the plummeting economy.
Hey I may be just a stupid worker here but this sounds irrational to me-completey off the wall.
The only way to get this money back is to make sure that they squeeze the life blood out of the workingclass. But hey, that is the nature of the dirty game and until we get rid of it, take it back for ourselves , so it will be.
But the time has come to turn around and point very very angry and accusing fingers at the leadership of our unions-the other enemy. After all aren't they supposed to know this too!?
Apparently not-joined at the hip to the bosses -they do the dirty work for for the bosses and the shareholders and the banks . Capitalism is capitalism-we cannot expect a blind , hungry , mad dog to act like anything else except a blind, hungry mad dog. But we must expect our leadership, elected to rip the food stolen from us from the mouth of the mad dog and return it to us- we produced the food-it is ours.
They refuse to do this, then they say they cannot do this , "we have no choice and we are really doing you a favour by keeping the auto factories going and so what there will fewer of you, and you will work for less, and oh yeah, we forgot some of you young ones will get half the wage of the older workers." But do not worry , soon you all will work for less so it will not be such an issue." And "just forget those job banks-if you are laid off by the boss-tough a lay-off is a lay-off - suck it up guys and girls." And what about allowing the bosses to defer their payments to your health care trust great now you will not just be poor you will have to be sick and poor. I am not an auto worker but see no sign that my union leadership will not follow suit soon. So they screw us ,the source of all production and social wealth and hand it to the least productive , the capitalist class. Actually I should say parasitic capitalist class -that produces nothing but eats away at the host - the international body of workers. And they will no doubt expect us to thank them for screwing us.
Time to replace these traitors-time to demand they skulk away and get busy electing leaders that will take our dues and fight back ferociuosly.They are worse than the the bosses and do the bosses work for them. You think we are not beginning to see this-sure we are -soon some day - you will be gone.
Am I angry -you bet your work boots I am.

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