Today Bernard Madoff got part of his Justice. For ripping off various charities and investors to the tune of $50 billion, Madoff was allowed to go home with a monitoring bracelet and OMG, a curfew. No Broadway shows for Bernie this week. He's stuck in his $7 million luxury Manhattan condo. He must feel terrible.
For the crime of damaging a some paintwork on a wall by throwing his shoe at President Bush, journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi, had several bones broken by security guards. His screams could still be heard while the Press Conference continued. Muntadar is now facing between 7 and 20 years in an Iraqi prison.
If Madoff’s $50 billion theft was divided into $200 shoplifting crimes, then 250 million people would be behind bars. If you split it up into a more serious crime of bank robbing, say $1 million, then that’d be 50,000 incidents.
Madoff’s crime is as embarrassment to capitalism and is being swept under the carpet. While capitalism is based on stealing, this was even against their own rules, yet its being buried in the business section of most newspapers already. The largest “theft” in world history is not that important to the Media Barons. Why? Because the last thing big business needs is another multi-millionaire swindler getting people more pissed off with the wealthy of this country.
Wrist slaps for the Trust Funders, broken bones for the rest of us.
1 comment:
I was thinking the same thing. A 21 year old from the midwest has been able to kill Iraqi's in their own country without answering to any court, it reminds me a bit of the British extraterritoriality in China.
The shoe guy has won the praise of the world though. In the coffee shops the last few days there's been lots of talk about him and support.
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