Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life will get worse for the world's millions as capitalism emerges from this crisis ever more violent

Obama's victory speech prepared people for the worst. Things will take a long time, the road is steep etc. etc. It didn't take a long time to come up with the money to bail out the banks though. When the first vote was defeated, they went back, added a few more million and got it passed. This took a matter of two weeks.

During the fist two weeks of October, the strike of capital by the bourgeois (what they call a credit crunch) threw an added 44 million people in to poverty in Southeast Asia according to the UN World Food Program. People in this part of the world are living on the brink anyway, suffering all the usual ills, including women becoming mail order brides for western men in order to escape a life of starvation and misery.

But this sort of poverty is not a natural disaster, like Katrina, it is a capitalist disaster, a man made disaster if you will, a product of the free market. This is what the free market means in Africa:

Up to 500,000 babies die within a day of being born
More than 1,000,000 babies die within their first year of life
In Liberia 66 in 1,000 babies will die
In Japan, the mortality rate is 2 out of 1000

Paul Risley, a spokesperson for the WFP commented that the US bank bail out would feed all of the world's poor for the next 100 years. So clearly the capitalist class have forefeited their right to rule. They manage our money, the wealth we create. They are meeting next week, the so-called G20 in order to discuss how to rectify the current crisis, in particular how to manage it globally and take collective action; it is being called "Bretton Woods 11" after the agreement made after the war in New Hampshire.

The same people who are responsible for the present crisis and whose defense and perpetration of the system that is responsible for the statistics above are meeting next week to resolve it. One bourgeois commentator suggests that "they will be deciding the future of civilization." meaning the future of capitalism.

I can't help quoting Marx who wrote in 1848 that the capitalist class:

"compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image."

The rulers of the world are not meeting next week to solve world hunger. They are meeting to prop up what they call "civilization". This civilization of theirs , this world image, has had a set back and we should send it to its grave.

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