Monday, November 17, 2008

Land of the Free

I put some information here recently showing that the US had more prisoners in its prisons than any other country in the world. Meanwhile it claims to be the land of the free. There is another area where it is very low on the freedom register. This is in the exchange of ideas. No other major industrial country has such censorship on the issues that matter. 

Look at the elections. Only the two absolutely committed capitalist candidates from the two completely trusted capitalist parties were allowed to debate on the mass bourgeois media. And even there the serious questions were never asked. What about all the other candidates for President and vice President? Most people did not know they were any other candidates. 

Then we come to the crisis in auto and more censorship. According to the mass media there are only two options. Bail out, that is tax payers money being handed over, or bankruptcy. But this is just more of the censorship. 

There is a third option. Nationalize the entire auto and auto supply industry under workers control and management with compensation only on the basis of proven need. This is the alternative that would work, that would keep workers in jobs, that would end the golden handouts to management and shareholders, that would shorten the work week, that would begin the process of moving to fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. And along with collaboration with the rest of the transport system lead to an integrated system based on road, rail and air fueled by sustainable and clean energy. 

Is this alternative ever mentioned in the mass media? Or if we are to be correct the mass bourgeois media. No. Their media only puts forward options that are acceptable to it, that are within the guidelines of its capitalist system. The media in the US is extremely censored. More so than any other major industrial country. Land of the free? Like how many people it puts in prisons, its censorship shows it is not the land of the free. 


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