Monday, November 3, 2008

interesting times

Today the Editorial of the Wall Street Journal is hedging its bets. They now say a vote for Obama will be a gamble but they are not saying to definitely vote against him. They want to be in with him if he gets into the Whitehouse but also a large section of the capitalists have become concerned that McCain actually might be too erratic.  Their new ambivalence on Obama comes at the same time as increased talk in capitalism's journals about FDR measures perhaps being necessary to help the country avoid a depression. The deepening of the financial crisis, the development of a depression and the development of anger and a movement from below could very well see FDR measures being taken by whatever president was in power. Facts For Working People have been raising perspective this now for months. In such developments there would be increased politicalization and increased class consciousness amongst the US working class. And increased opportunities for activists and socialists. 

Obama will select and surround himself with the most establishment of capitalist advisers such as former Fed chief Volcker, whom the Wall Street Journal calls a"an icon of the right and a supporter of the strong dollar." Obama already consults with Volker on a regular basis. Volker never had a cell phone before but now has actually got one just to take Obama's calls. 

It is better to vote for one of the the socialist candidates or the Green Party candidate or Nader but in doing so explain that their programs are inadequate and explain that we need an independent workers party on democratic socialist policies.  And also to build the revolutionary socialist alternative in the process.

The other development we should keep our eyes on is what is happening in auto. There are efforts to merge Chrysler with GM with the loss of over 50,000 jobs and a major slashing of benefits. The leader of the UAW, Ron Gettelfinger has taken "action." He has employed Stephen Girsky, president of a private equity firm!!!!! and even more unbelievably a former adviser to Rick Wagoner, the Chairman of GM.  This is like the chicken asking the fox to help it fight the other fox. 

We at facts For Working People strongly opposed the recent concession contracts in auto and Delphi. We said that the bosses would be back for more in no time. This is exactly what has happened. What is the alternative?

We are opposed to any concessions. Call a conference of delegates from the shop floor of all of auto, the big three and all suppliers. Let this conference draw up a program to take the auto industry out of private hands, that is nationalize it under workers control and management. The owners have run it into the ground. They have forfeited any right to run it. Let there be compensation only on the basis of proven need and this proven need to be decided by committees of auto workers. The capitalists have been prepared to have the taxpayer bail out their banks when they have recently been in trouble. And they have kept their big bonuses and pay offs. No concession contracts for them. 

Such an nationalized and workers controlled and managed industry could then plan the auto sector, the working week could be shortened with no loss in pay to keep the jobs that exist and create more jobs. The industry could immediately stop producing the gas guzzlers and move to an auto industry based on green technology. It could also coordinate with the transport industry as a whole to help build fast rail technology and develop public transport based on green technology. 

This is the alternative. 

We stand for the formation of "Hands Of Our Jobs/wages/benefits/ Committees" in every workplace and in the unions to fight for this alternative. This is better than hiring the "former" assistant and buddy of GM boss Wagoner.  


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