Friday, November 7, 2008

The capitalists have run GM in to the ground; its time it had new owners

I see GM is crying broke and, after announcing it lost a further $2.5 billion GM bosses say they are running out of money. Well, when we run out of money, when we can't pay the rent or the phone bill or the electric, or the mortgage, they cut us off; they take out house. If we can't afford medical care we get sick, some people get dumped on the street.

So if its good enough for us, it's good enough for them. Let's take Kirk kerkorian's factory; he has no right to own it anyway other than the right of force, of might makes right. No bail out for the auto industry that has been run in to the ground and, with the capitalist class at the helm has wasted precious resources making gas guzzling autos.

Under workers control and management not only will the billions that are scooped in to the pockets of a few wealthy be available, but the resources wasted here can be used to design an effecient and environmentally sound public transit system.

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