Thursday, October 23, 2008

Workers Parties

After my last blog session today I began to worry that I had given the wrong impression re the need for workers parties.
Sometimes it is hard in light of the extreme shift to the right of workers parties worldwide and the gradual disillusionment of tens of thousands of workers to remember that in the US there is, as the last blogger so rightly pointed out, no workers party at all and that there is no official political representation of the working class at the polls or anywhere.
I want to clarify that my last contribution was not meant to make light of or deny the need for a workers party in the US.
It was an expression of frustration shared by workers worldwide when they see their class interests betrayed by so called "Labour Parties." So Spike was right to point this out. At the time it was not a "good feeling " . I mentioned this experience merely as a way to demonstrate that it is possible in times like this just as in crises in the past to further develop class consciouness, to organize and to fight back. TO RADICALIZE

1 comment:

Richard Mellor said...

I don't think Wendy needs to clarify anything. Her post was crystal clear and in no way made light of the need for a worker's party. I also understood her frustration and disgust at the NDP just like the British Labor Party.

I didn't post my coments to point anything out really just to express what it is like here in the US. I remember going to Britain in the 80's and meeting socialists in the LP and they were moaning about the LP, and this was before the Blair dynasty, the witch hunt against the Marxists and such.

Yet the person I was talking to, who was on the National Executive of the Labor Party was an open socialist and wore a red flag which was the Party's emblem then before the right wing changed it to the red rose. On top of this, Labor bureaucrats clled each other comrades.

I was active in my local and just begionning to be active in my CLC and I you would never hear such things and the pope used the word capitalist but they didn't. I couldn't imagine calling another delegate "comrade", they'd have shut down the meeting.