Wednesday, October 8, 2008

socialism again and this time from Greenspan.

Alan Greenspan was head of the Federal Reserve for many years. While there he was praised as a genius by all his capitalist pals for whom he was printing money and presiding over the biggest bubble in US economic history. And he also defended capitalism against any criticism. Now his handiwork is obvious for all to see. His system is collapsing. What does this man have to say today. This man for whom there was no alternative to capitalism. You would think if he had any shame he would crawl into a hole and never come out. But not so. 

Last week he was giving a lecture at Georgetown. You would wonder if there was anybody there to listen to him after the catastrophe he has been for US capitalism. But no he had an audience. He explained during his talk that the financial crisis :"will mean a return to the ideological struggle between socialism and capitalism. Many of us thought that struggle was over with the collapse of the command economies." Of course many of us did not. Like the originators of this blog. With full confidence we predicted that the coming crisis of capitalism would once again put socialism onto the agenda of the masses. 

But we socialists must not sit around congratulating ourselves on being right and Greenspan being wrong. We have to draw organizational conclusions from statements like this. The organizational conclusions we have to draw are that we need to be more bold and audacious in putting forward our socialist alternative in our day to day struggles. Working class people are looking for an alternative. Capitalism is demonstrating its failure. A democratic socialist world is the only alternative. We must make sure this is heard. 


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