Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For once I agree with Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs is a CNN reporter. His main issue is immigrant bashing. He constantly uses the term "anti-middle class" as if this mouthpiece of the corporations cares about the middle class. He plays the role of demagogue, whipping up anger, hatred and bigotry towards immigrants, Latino's in particular.

But even a stopped clock is right a couple of times a day. Chatting with Wolf Blitzer on the Situation Room Dobbs says of tonight's presidential debate that he wishes one of these two political candidates would tell the truth to the American people. This is somewhat laughable coming from the mouth of a person who makes a very good upper middle class living lieing to the American people but the truth he is talking about is them telling us that they will not be able to do the things they have promised.

Both candidates have touched on this, Obama saying things wil be delayed etc. But Dobbs is right, there will be no health care plan etc. Where will this come from? We can't borrow any more as homeless pout of work Americans can't pay it back too easily. How interesting that those nasty immigrants aren't top of the news at the moment, the bansters are the hated ones now. Mind you, this does not mean that immigrant bashing and racism in general will not be brought off the back burner if a more pronounced and active movemnt against capitalism and the market develops.

I have sort of dropped the idea that there might be a revolution in my lifetime although I never ruled it out completely. Most revolutionary workers never experience revolutions anyway, they are very rare moments in time. But I am witnessing probably the greatest crisis of global finance capitalism ever and it's not over yet.

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