Saturday, October 25, 2008

A class mobilizing.

Facts For Working People looks at things from the viewpoint of class. We campaign for the working class to be consciousness of itself as a class and unite and act as a class. One way to help this consciousness develop is to see how the capitalist class thinks and acts as a class. Look at the present situation. 

In doing so we have to keep in mind that there are differences in any class, divisions and different points of view. However the US capitalist class are united in one point at present. Their financial crisis must be paid for by the working class. Thus the $850 billion bail out from mainly working class peoples taxes. They are also united in their view that this crisis has to be paid for by cutting wages, benefits and jobs. They promote this view through their mass media and their two political parties the Republicans and the Democrats. They censor any alternative view. Any alternative is never mentioned. How many people know there are many other people running for president and not just Obama and McCain. And just to be clear Obama promotes this agenda of capitalism as well as McCain. And furthermore both these candidates stand on the stages in their debates and appear in the mass media knowing that there are other candidates out there who are not allowed onto the stages to debate. Why do they not demand these candidates be allowed to be heard. Obama and McCain are capitalist candidates and undemocratic. 

The capitalist class are showing some cracks in their unity at the moment. In general they have preferred the Republicans as they have had more control over this party. It seems the decisive sections of the capitalists are still sticking with this Party and McCain. The American Association of Bankers, the Chambers of Commerce, the Manufacturers Association all have come out for him and have mobilized money and their forces. These organizations are organizations of the US capitalist class. Their mobilization is a class mobilization. The dominant section of the capitalist class are mobilizing for their party and candidate. Many of course give money to both parties to keep their options open. 

What complicates things is that the Democratic Party is also a capitalist party and gets support, financial and mass media support from the capitalist class. In fact in the present situation if McCain continues to look so inept and unreliable they may switch to Obama, to their second party. But they are worried that Obama would raise expections amongst the poorest sections of society which they would not want to meet. It is good for them to have another party in reserve for a number of reasons but one is that it confuses the working class. Look, they boast, how Democratic the US is with its two parties, while they censor all alternative organizations and views. Also do not build a third party or this will split the Democratic Party vote and let in the Republicans. In other words let us continue to have a political dictatorship over US society with our two parties. 

While looking at the capitalist class and their political view we have to look at the working class. With millions organized into unions and tens of millions more who would organize into unions if they were given the proper lead from the union leaders it is a disgrace and a betrayal of the working class that the union leaders are supporting the Democrats and Obama. The union leaders, the unions, the working class as a whole should be acting independently as a class. You do not see the capitalists supporting a workers party candidate. No they have their own independent candidates and parties that they build and support. 

The most important point of this election as in all US elections, and which is never mentioned in the censored US media, is that the working class has no party of its own, the working class has no independent party to fight for its interests as a class. So we have $850 billion taken from working peoples taxes and handed over to the bankers and swindlers of Wall street. It should be the other way around, we should be taking $850 billion from these swindlers for the working class. Or in fact what would best nationalizing all financial houses profitable and non profitable, under workers control and management, with compensation only on the basis of proven need. Need to be decided by elected committees of the working class. The capital in the new nationalized financial institution to be invested in building decent homes, schools, hospitals, infrastructure and creating jobs for all at union rates of pay and benefits and organized in unions. And moving on from there taking over all the dominant corporations and planning the economy on a democratic socialist basis. 

This is what is in the interest of the working class. Facts For Working People stand for this program and stand for building a mass workers party to fight for this program. The capitalists have their own parties and their own program. We must have our own party and our own program.  Contact us at FFWP and get involved with us in struggling for an independent organizational and political voice for the working class.   Sean 

1 comment:

Ben Leet said...

Half the U.S. households own 2.5% of the national net worth, and the same lower half earns about 15% annually of the national income. That is unjust. Working people must have an alternative, and they must vote.