Monday, September 22, 2008

What the rulers of the world are talking about

Below is a link to a blog in the Financial Times. Major bourgeois and their strategists discussing their system quite openly. This clip I believe stems from Bill Gates and Warren Buffet discussing how to cure some of the ills of the system and the term "creative capitalism".

These discussions between big capitalists and their theoreticians should encourage all workers to reject the idea perpetuated by them that we are all one group with the same interests, all Americans or British, no class antagonism. They talk openly about being capitalists and what motivates them; greed. The author of this comment says: "Selfishness is so built into the concept of free-market capitalism that the idea of making a role for selflessness seems nearly hopeless."

Can't fault that. He admits that selfishness is "built in" to the system. But greed and selfishness is no more "human nature" than selflessness. Human nature has potential for both, capitalism rewards the former and punishes the latter. Workers have made gains through selflessness and solidarity, capitalists profit when we exhibit selfish individualism, that's why the system rewards it. The obvious conclusion is that if we change the system we can eliminate the type of behavior that capitalism rewards. We can begin to travel the road that leads to real freedom.

That's why Spike is a socialist.

Read it here:

You can read the discussion between Gates and Buffet here:

I haven't read that yet. Share your thoughts with us.

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